Saturday, February 25, 2012

Isabella Part II (Izzy's First Birthday)

Mid Year was amazing because it meant we made it to Izzy's first birthday!  We threw a huge bash complete with bouncing house, lots of beer and racks and racks of ribs.  The party was mainly for us - we were celebrating making it a year. :)  Izzy seemed to enjoy it too and she received some really great gifts from her family.


Love from her Big Cousin Nici

Kisses from Grandpa Markie

Giggles from Aunt Jilli

Grins from Uncle Freddy

Kisses from her Ama

Lifts from her Uncle Carlo

Cuddles from her Great Granda Hana

Laughs from her LeLe

Smiles from her Auntie Mika

Snuggles from her Uncle Jules (Bruce)

Fun from all her friends Saoirse, Sydney, and Jaidyn!

And lots and lots and lots of Love from her Daddy and Mama.  Can't wait to see what this year has to hold! 

**More of Isabella's adventures from the first year of her life are coming....stay tuned :) **

Did someone say CUPCAKE????

Monday, January 16, 2012

WE'RE BACK......!!!!

It has been a YEAR, yes a whole year since I have posted on Izzy's blog.  I am sad and glad to say life took over and we were just too busy enjoying our little Izzy and we didn't have time to write about her :) ...but I do realize this is the vehicle for many of you to get your Izzy updates.  So, without further ado ~ here is a recap of Miss Isabella's 2011 Year.  PART I 


Not sure what to think of the Fish
Big Cousin Nici
Izzy's first trip to an Aquarium 

Isabella enjoyed all the fish, she especially like the large groupings of really ugly fish.  She laughed and laughed and really found them fascinating.   Big Cousin Nici danced around Izzy the whole trip, excited to show her all the neat things at the Aquarium.

Then it was on to bigger things....Izzy trying hard to walk at 8 months.

She enjoyed trying all sorts of home made mashed foods! Although I think I had more fun making all sorts of weird combinations of baby food, than Izzy actually liked eating them.

Izzy enjoyed several trips to the park with daddy and rolling around in her scooter at home.
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FEBRUARY: It was amazing how much change month over month - it seems like Izzy was growing both cognitively and physically faster than we could keep track of.  Each day brought a new experience. What we noticed most was how expressive Izzy was becoming.  Here are just a few snapshots of our childs crazy expressions. 

BATH TIME!!!...with Mr. Giraffe. Thanks Aunt Shawn for the toy, it's still one of Izzy's favorites today.
Loving the faux Russian Minx scarf my mom gave her - clearly a child of extravagance!
Izzy often had crazy hair days that accompanied her crazy facial expressions! 

We loved making daddy a Valentine's card. Izzy was concentrating very hard.
Daddy's Birthday in the can see where she get's her expressions from!

Rockin' the shades


She started learning Salsa at a young age.  Her Auntie Mika showed her how to 'snap' her fingers and dance!

MARCH: Izzy starts getting teeth and discovers Pizza, Pasta and Cookies! She also has almost enough hair for her mommy to do something with.  The accessories grow and Izzy's wardrobe quickly gets out of control.  She clearly takes after her older Cousin with her fashion sense.  

Izzy is a lucky girl because she gets visits from so many of her friends and family often.....especially around her 1st Birthday.
Jaidyn and Izzy - hooligans at work

Saorise, Sydney, Jaidyn and Izzy (1st Bday bash)
This is the first part of the Izzy year in review recap :).....PART II will be coming shortly.....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Isabella Loves her Squashies

FEED ME! Izzy is all smiles munching on some home made Squash. I have to admit, I am slightly addicted to my food processor now that I have discovered I can puree anything! Welcome to the wonderful world of baby food making.
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Isabella discovers rice cereal!!!~~~

Isabella's a lucky girl - she's been fed by her Ama, her Grandma LeLe and her Grandpa D.  Today her teacher Miss Elizabeth fed her for the first time at school and said she was a great eater! We can't wait to start with the other foods!! :)
Loving the rice cereal with applesauce!!!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Izzy's First Halloween~~~

Pumpkin Patches with the Grandmas.  Trick or Treating with her Cousin, Uncles and Kihei and tons of candy for Mom and Dad - this Halloween was pretty much awesome!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Izzy goes to School!!

Oct 4th was Izzy's first day of school.  It was so hard for Marcos and I to leave her, but she was so brave and she did so well!  In fact, she did so well the teachers were even surprised.  They told us how lucky we were to have such a happy, calm, smiley baby. :)  It's now been roughly two weeks and Izzy is still really enjoying her school.  She loves having a routine and she's already making friends.

During her first week at school she did an art project that involved her laying tummy down on a boppy pillow and rubbing red, orange and yellow paint all over a piece of paper.  The teachers then cut out a leaf from the paper and hung it on a branch inside the classroom.  The picture below is a snapshot of her artwork prior to it being cut into the shape of a leaf.  The teachers said she was so in to the paint she had it stuck under her finger nails!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Izzy goes to Minneapolis

What a fun, fantastic weekend we had with Uncle and Aunt Juji! From morning walks to the neighborhood pastry shop, to cruising around the boutiques on 50th and France, to a wonderfully long walk around the lake that put the babe to sleep - it was an awesome, relaxed weekend.  We can't wait to go back!

Congrats to Julian and Jill on their engagement and we are so excited to return for their fall wedding next year!!!

Drool pose