Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hanging with the Boenders

Seattle Pals Onica and Oriya came for a visit with their parents Josh and Kat.  We loved getting a chance to introduce the girls to each other.  (Izzy is in the middle).

Friday, August 20, 2010

Izzy got a visit from Miss Sydney

Baby had a jam packed weekend!

Some kisses from her Auntie Mika
Some love from Grandma Lele

Grandpa D and Izzy hangin'

Uncle Carlo a.k.a Lito

Uncle Freddy a.k.a Tito
Snuggles with Alma
Last weekend Isabella hosted her familia for a big ol' BBQ.  Her Uncles flew in from Cali, her Alma from Texas and her Grandma Lele from Kansas.  The whole family got together and spent the day in the park playing football, playing with the baby and eating.  That night Izzy slept 9 hours...clearly wore out from all the fun!!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Baby Einstein

Little Miss Izz has discovered the wonderful world of Baby Einstein! She's totally fascinated by images on TV which is awesome when I am trying to cook dinner.  Here's a pic of her checking out the video and hanging with Mr. Kihei.  I can't wait until she's old enough to be into Sesame Street.

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Many Colors of Isabella

For those of you who did not get to see these pics, I am posting them again.  I took these pics over a 30 second time span - this crazy kid has more facial expressions than her dad and I combined.

Park Day!

Izzy loves going to parks! Yesterday we spent the afternoon at Evan G. Fine park in Boulder - so strange to take our little baby back to a park we romped around in when we were little.  It was fun to hang with the family too and watch each person hold Izzy and show her things.  Can't wait for next summer when she's 1 year old and digging around in the dirt.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Woke up with the snuffles

Poor little Bella woke up with her first cold :( - after a visit to the pediatrician we found out that it's a mini cold.  She does not have a fever but doesn't seem to like having a stuffy nose too much.  Elephante doesn't seem to like it either because he now has extra slobber on him from Isabella's adventure on her jungle mat today.  Stuffy nose = lots of extra slobber.

Isabella also rolled over for the first time today!!! See action shot above 'mid role' we'll call it.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Pool Day

Last weekend was Izzy's first adventure to the pool! She sported quite a hairdo thanks to waterbabies sunscreen.  Izzy spent her time relaxing on her Giraffe blankie and taking in the sounds of the kids playing.