Sunday, October 17, 2010

Izzy goes to School!!

Oct 4th was Izzy's first day of school.  It was so hard for Marcos and I to leave her, but she was so brave and she did so well!  In fact, she did so well the teachers were even surprised.  They told us how lucky we were to have such a happy, calm, smiley baby. :)  It's now been roughly two weeks and Izzy is still really enjoying her school.  She loves having a routine and she's already making friends.

During her first week at school she did an art project that involved her laying tummy down on a boppy pillow and rubbing red, orange and yellow paint all over a piece of paper.  The teachers then cut out a leaf from the paper and hung it on a branch inside the classroom.  The picture below is a snapshot of her artwork prior to it being cut into the shape of a leaf.  The teachers said she was so in to the paint she had it stuck under her finger nails!!