Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sleep Regression

So apparently right around the age of 4 months a lot of babies go through what is called Sleep Regression.  At first I just thought Isabella was growing, but then after the 2 night of no sleep and a restless baby I did some serious research.  I found out that around this age most babies start sleeping more like adults, so having more cycles of REM and light sleep.  When you couple this with the babies new abilities to roll over, move around and fuss about in the crib you get yourself a nice sleepless night.  Thanks to all my other mom friends out there and their advice, plus all the online research - I think tonight is the first night Izzy might sleep longer than 2 hours at a time.  Ironically however I cannot sleep and I am posting to this damn blog at 3 a.m!  Hope all the little kiddos out there and their mommies are all sleeping tight right now - here's hoping that we've figured out a way to break the sleep regression spell!

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